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Postdoctoral Scholar Definition

The University of Utah's definition of Postdoctoral Scholars is based on widely accepted definitions from reputable organizations.

Our Standards

Possess a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent doctoral degree from an accredited domestic or foreign institution

Pursue a program of research and advanced training under the direction of a faculty mentor

Work in a typical full-time position of research and scholarly training as preparation for a research career in academia, industry, or government

Be appointed to a temporary training position, typically five years or less, including time spent at other institutions

Be supported through an institutional account either internally funded or externally funded (9206 Postdoctoral Research Associate or 9205 Postdoctoral Fellow) or a noninstitutional, external source of funding paid directly to the Postdoctoral Scholar (complete POI form via HR)

Know your Job Code!

Postdoctoral Scholars at the University of Utah may have different job codes, which determine their retirement and benefits eligibility and expectations regarding teaching responsibilities. Knowing their job code can help postdocs better understand their position and receive faster assistance from University HR and staff.

The five most common job codes:

Code Job Retirement Benefit Eligible Teaching Requirement
9205 Postdoc Fellow No Retirement Benefits Teaching Required
9207 Postdoc Paid Direct (Grant Supported) No Retirement Benefits No Teaching Required
9210 Postdoc Research Associate No Retirement Benefits No Teaching Required
9211 Postdoc Research Associate with Ret Yes Retirement Benefits No Teaching Required
9213 Postdoc Fellow with Ret Yes Retirement Benefits Teaching Required

Visiting Postdoctoral Scholars

Postdocs who are either self-funded or visiting from another institution must follow University regulations for appointment as found in Policy 6-317: Academic Visitors (Visiting Scholars, Visiting Postdoctoral Scholars, and Visiting Graduate Students).

View Policy 6-317

For Appointment/Registry forms visit the "Visiting Scholars" page on the grad school site.

Grad School: Visiting Scholars

Last Updated: 5/30/24