Lunch and Learn: Teaching as Postdoc
Date: November 17, 2015
Invited Speaker:
- Patrick Tripeny, Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning
Summary: Dr. Patrick Tripeny provided a comprehensive overview of the resources available at the Center for Teaching & Learning Excellence ( We spent the majority of the time discussing the Higher Education Teaching Specialist certification (, that is available to graduate students and postdocs. This certification is designed to prepare you to teach your first course, can be listed on your C.V., is a great way to demonstrate a commitment to teaching during your postdoc even if you don’t have the time to teach a class, and takes approximately 12-18 months to complete. It was also highlighted that postdocs are welcome to attend the teaching seminars/workshops ( that are advertised for either graduate students (if you have little teaching experience) or faculty (if you have experience and/or are teaching your own course). Also, the Center for Teaching & Learning Excellence offers one-on-one advising appointments to review job application materials, such as the teaching section of your C.V. and your teaching philosophy. You are encouraged to browse the Center for Teaching & Learning Excellence website if you are interested in becoming more involved in teaching or just knowing more about the resources available on campus.