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Fellowship FAQ

How do I find grants and/or fellowships to apply for?

Ask your colleagues! Faculty and postdocs in your field are the best resource for what funding opportunities are applicable to you. Other resources include the following:

  • A searchable/filterable database: A central platform for early career researchers community
  • Postdoctoral Funding Opportunities by John Hopkins University
  • Weekly University email "At the U" includes a section listing extramural and intramural funding opportunities.
  • SciVal Funding. SciVal Funding is an online tool for searching funding opportunities and matching your project with appropriate sponsors (including government agencies, private entities, corporations, foundations and nonprofit organizations). The Research Administration Training Series (RATs) has a recurrent class (Introduction to SciVal Funding) in which they teach participants how to navigate this comprehensive database and efficiently use its many features including how to create a search profile, how to save funding searches, how to add opportunities to a favorites list, and how to create search alerts.
  • Office of Sponsored Projects(OSP) has information about funding for postdocs.
  • Biosciences PhD Program has a list of training grants.
  • The J. Willard Marriott Library offers grant training. You can also contact the library in order to work with a librarian who will help you identify opportunities specific to your field.
  • There is an internal travel award for postdocs.  More information can be found HERE.
  • L’Oreal Grant for women postdoctoral Scientist.
  • Trialect (free funding database)
  • Pivot— a new database that includes funding opportunities, a directory of researchers and their profiles, and publishing opportunities

For additional information, check out summaries from our post Lunch & Learns on “Postdoc Fellowships & Grants.”  

Summaries are provided  in the “Past Events” section of the UPDA website.

What resources are available on campus to help me apply to fellowships/grant?

  • The Writing Center is a great resource for writing fellowships/grants. Contact Charlene Orchard (
  • It is very important to route all grants through OSP (Office of Sponsored Projects). OSP ensures grants are compliant with University policy.
  • There is a grant writing support services available through the Research Development Office.

For additional information, check out summaries from our post Lunch & Learns on “Postdoc Fellowships & Grants.”

Last Updated: 5/30/24